Feeling overwhelmed and struggling to find balance in the midst of chaos? I’ve been there, and I’m opening up about my personal journey towards becoming a safe space for myself. Join me as I discuss the impact of our words and mindset on our overall well-being, and how prioritizing self-care can lead to greater confidence. […]


June 8, 2023

Transform your confidence by being a safe space

Ever felt like you couldn’t truly be yourself, or struggled to celebrate your own accomplishments? Trust me, I’ve been there too. That’s why I’m sharing my own experiences and challenges with embracing my authentic self and building the confidence I need to thrive in any situation. Through finding supportive people who allow us to be […]

Confidence, Live

June 5, 2023

[LIVE] Unapologetically Authentic: Embracing your confidence and achievements

The beautiful thing about this world is our variety of stories and the things that make our lives unconventional. We are diving deep and vulnerable with Susan Dumbarton as she shares her story of divorce. This episode is an emotional one and filled with the resources and tools to help you through this difficult season.  […]


May 31, 2023

[INTERVIEW] Happily even after divorce w/ Susan Dumbarton

Are you ready to be inspired? In this episode, Kaitlin Anthony, a highly respected life and mindset coach, accomplished author, influential podcaster, and driven multi-passionate entrepreneur, chats about her beam life. She made massive unconventional shifts in her life including changing careers, leaving her marriage and starting a whole new life with her loving partner.  […]


May 25, 2023

[INTERVIEW] Living the beam life w/ Kaitlin Anthony

EP. 1

What is confidence? Where can I find some?

The scoop on where I lost my confidence.

ep. 3

When you're feeling like you're not enough.

EP. 45

[LIVE] You are enough. You are doing enough.

EP. 76

my favorite

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"Disney World might be the happiest place on earth but The Self(ish) Retreat is one of the safest places on earth to share your true self. All parts of you are welcome at the Self(ish) Retreat. It's an opportunity to make new friends and bond on a deeper level with old (and new) friends. You're guaranteed to learn something new about yourself. Jess takes care of all the details of the weekend so you can focus on turning inward and getting what you need out of the retreat."

Jamie Says:


"You NEED to work with Jess. No question. In the 4 months I have been working with Jess so far, my business and I have grown EXPONENTIALLY. Four months ago, I was just talking about the idea that I might start a business, and now I have left a career that wasn’t aligned for me, committed to the adventure of a lifetime, found my niche, launched my business, and rediscovered WHO I AM in the process. I promise you, YOU WILL NOT REGRET choosing 1:1 coaching with this powerhouse woman. Just make sure that you are ready to GROW more than you thought possible."

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