Prepare to be uplifted as we tackle the art of finding light in even the darkest of seasons. I recount the personal challenges of confinement during a volcanic eruption, emphasizing the growth and resilience that can sprout from adversity. We’ll explore the significance of carving out time for oneself, no matter how brief, to reignite […]


April 11, 2024

Daydreaming in dark seasons

Have you ever felt the paralyzing grip of fear when faced with starting something new? This week, I had the privilege of hosting the amazing Christy Lockhart from the Start Scared podcast, where we opened up about the rollercoaster of emotions that come with leaping into unknown territories and the beauty of personal growth. Together, […]


April 4, 2024

[INTERVIEW] Embracing the Unknown: Overcoming fear and finding confidence w/ Chrysty Lockhart

Are you your own toughest critic? Do you find yourself lingering in the shadows of self-doubt, even when you know you’re capable of brilliance? Hey, I’m Jess, and in our latest heart-to-heart, I lay bare my own struggles with self-criticism and how I turned that around by embracing self-kindness. Join me as I guide us […]


March 28, 2024

The thing we forget when it comes to confidence…

When we peel back the layers of a dream, we often discover more than just the goal itself—we unearth the strength and tenacity within us. That’s the essence of today’s episode. Feel the pulse of dedication as we discuss the final touches of the confidently you program, bask in the anticipation of our Barbados retreat, […]


March 21, 2024

What’s holding you back from doing what lights you up?

EP. 1

What is confidence? Where can I find some?

The scoop on where I lost my confidence.

ep. 3

When you're feeling like you're not enough.

EP. 45

[LIVE] You are enough. You are doing enough.

EP. 76

my favorite

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"Disney World might be the happiest place on earth but The Self(ish) Retreat is one of the safest places on earth to share your true self. All parts of you are welcome at the Self(ish) Retreat. It's an opportunity to make new friends and bond on a deeper level with old (and new) friends. You're guaranteed to learn something new about yourself. Jess takes care of all the details of the weekend so you can focus on turning inward and getting what you need out of the retreat."

Jamie Says:


"You NEED to work with Jess. No question. In the 4 months I have been working with Jess so far, my business and I have grown EXPONENTIALLY. Four months ago, I was just talking about the idea that I might start a business, and now I have left a career that wasn’t aligned for me, committed to the adventure of a lifetime, found my niche, launched my business, and rediscovered WHO I AM in the process. I promise you, YOU WILL NOT REGRET choosing 1:1 coaching with this powerhouse woman. Just make sure that you are ready to GROW more than you thought possible."

Ashley Says:

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