Are you ready to challenge traditional notions of success and embrace an unconventional lifestyle? This episode features the journey of Jessica Johnson, an author, entrepreneur and business mentor. With a bold decision to sell her belongings and fund her travels, Jessica has crafted her bright life, using her rent money to live in diverse Airbnb’s […]


November 19, 2023

[INTERVIEW] Living your bright life w/ Jessica Johnson

Imagine a world where we instinctively understand our strengths, our quirks, our energy levels, and how we can use these to invigorate the people around us. That’s the world of Human Design, and I got my first glimpse of it at a salon, of all places. Thanks to my fabulous hairdresser Tenika, I discovered that […]


October 19, 2023

Exploring your confidence through Human Design

Are you caught in the constant tug-of-war of societal expectations and self-imposed limitations? You’re not alone. In this episode of Selfish Confidence, I chat about the struggle with societal pressures and feeling confined by my limits. I tackle the comparison game we often play with ourselves and how this hinders us from achieving our dreams. […]


October 10, 2023

Breaking free from societal expectations and embracing YOUR dreams ✨

Happy almost Thanksgiving! There’s a BIG focus on being thankful in this season and I’m sure you are but are you showing up for yourself as you would for others? In this episode of the Selfish Confidence podcast as we dissect the importance of self-care during demanding periods such as this Thanksgiving season. I challenge […]


October 5, 2023

Grateful, thankful AND discovering more for your life

EP. 1

What is confidence? Where can I find some?

The scoop on where I lost my confidence.

ep. 3

When you're feeling like you're not enough.

EP. 45

[LIVE] You are enough. You are doing enough.

EP. 76

my favorite

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"Disney World might be the happiest place on earth but The Self(ish) Retreat is one of the safest places on earth to share your true self. All parts of you are welcome at the Self(ish) Retreat. It's an opportunity to make new friends and bond on a deeper level with old (and new) friends. You're guaranteed to learn something new about yourself. Jess takes care of all the details of the weekend so you can focus on turning inward and getting what you need out of the retreat."

Jamie Says:


"You NEED to work with Jess. No question. In the 4 months I have been working with Jess so far, my business and I have grown EXPONENTIALLY. Four months ago, I was just talking about the idea that I might start a business, and now I have left a career that wasn’t aligned for me, committed to the adventure of a lifetime, found my niche, launched my business, and rediscovered WHO I AM in the process. I promise you, YOU WILL NOT REGRET choosing 1:1 coaching with this powerhouse woman. Just make sure that you are ready to GROW more than you thought possible."

Ashley Says:

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