As the festive season wraps us in a whirlwind of joy and chaos, I’ve discovered the secret to keeping my sparkle—prioritizing self-care and setting firm boundaries. This episode is a treasure of personal reflections and actionable advice to help you glide through the holidays with ease. Embarking on the journey towards 2024, we’re shedding the […]

Confidence, Transformation

December 21, 2023

Shed your baggage for a more confident 2024

Ever feel the call of the open road, the thrill of the unknown, or the lure of the unconventional? I’m taking you on an adventure with Ashley O’Connor, a registered nurse turned Health & Fitness Coach, as she shares her exhilarating journey through her first year of full-time entrepreneurship and nomadic living.  Imagine booking a […]


December 14, 2023

[INTERVIEW] The Entrepreneur Adventure: Crazy + Confused w/ Ashley O’Connor

Imagine you’re the Christmas magic you’ve been waiting for. That’s right, you don’t need anyone else to validate your worth because this episode is all about embracing your inner magic. As we wrap up the 12 Days of Confidence series, I’m filled with immense gratitude for your support and participation. I want to celebrate this […]

12 Days of Confidence, Confidence

December 12, 2023

12 Days of Confidence: Day 12🎄

Ok sis, this is an emotional one for me! How many times have you caught yourself caught up in the holiday hustle, forgetting that the season is truly about cherishing your loved ones? I’ve been there too and today, I want to remind you of the importance of taking a step back and absorbing the […]

12 Days of Confidence, Confidence

December 10, 2023

12 Days of Confidence: Day 10🎄

EP. 1

What is confidence? Where can I find some?

The scoop on where I lost my confidence.

ep. 3

When you're feeling like you're not enough.

EP. 45

[LIVE] You are enough. You are doing enough.

EP. 76

my favorite

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"Disney World might be the happiest place on earth but The Self(ish) Retreat is one of the safest places on earth to share your true self. All parts of you are welcome at the Self(ish) Retreat. It's an opportunity to make new friends and bond on a deeper level with old (and new) friends. You're guaranteed to learn something new about yourself. Jess takes care of all the details of the weekend so you can focus on turning inward and getting what you need out of the retreat."

Jamie Says:


"You NEED to work with Jess. No question. In the 4 months I have been working with Jess so far, my business and I have grown EXPONENTIALLY. Four months ago, I was just talking about the idea that I might start a business, and now I have left a career that wasn’t aligned for me, committed to the adventure of a lifetime, found my niche, launched my business, and rediscovered WHO I AM in the process. I promise you, YOU WILL NOT REGRET choosing 1:1 coaching with this powerhouse woman. Just make sure that you are ready to GROW more than you thought possible."

Ashley Says:

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